



ところが、IT革命に伴う情報量の増加や技術の高度化・複雑化に伴い 人間の能力で「あうんの呼吸」を維持する事が今は困難になっています。
モノづくりに携わる全ての人が同じ景色を共有し 再び「あうんの呼吸」で優れたモノが世に生み出される世界を目指していきます。


ハードウェアメーカーのシステムはDBがサイロ化され、製品開発に関する情報のSingle Source of Truth(信頼できる唯一の情報源)不在の中、多くの手入力や会議により部門間で更新された情報を補完しています。こうしたマニュアル運用は入力ミスに繋がり、結果として開発・生産の手戻りを招いています。

■ 職務内容

  • PRISMの新規機能設計のためのプロトタイピング
  • PRISMの新規機能開発のためのUIデザイン
  • 既存機能改善のためのUIデザイン
  • デザインシステムの運用
  • デザインにまつわる各種ガイドラインの策定および運用
  • プロダクトマネージャーやエンジニアとの協働および意思決定への関与
  • ユーザーリサーチ
  • UX定義

■ 得られる経験・スキル

  • 組織やプロダクトの0->1フェーズの経験
  • 複雑なドメイン課題
    • ハードウェアの開発には様々な人が関わっており、特有の業務工程を有するため、ソフトウェアで解決できる課題が多くあります。
  • 課題を解決するデザインの設計
    • ルックアンドフィールだけでなく、ソフトウェアとしての妥当性やユーザーストーリーの達成を目的としたデザインを追求できます。

■ 必須スキル・経験

  • 実務におけるUIデザイン
  • FigmaによるUIデザイン

■ 歓迎スキル・経験

  • B2BサービスでのUI設計・開発経験
  • ユーザーリサーチの実務経験
  • スクラムでのUIデザイン経験
  • フロントエンドコンポーネント設計と実装・運用経験
  • React実装経験
  • ハードウェア開発経験
  • モノづくりへの理解や関心
  • 大規模企業・組織における情報設計の実務経験

■ デザイン環境

  • デザインツール: Figma
  • コミュニケーションツール: Slack, Notion, Miro


  • スプリントを1週間単位にし、notionでタスクを管理しながら開発を進めていきます。
  • デザイン定例会議でPMや開発者と直接議論しながらデザインを進めてけます。
  • 全員フルリモートで参加。非同期なコミュニケーションを支えるためのツールを豊富に用意しています。(slack、notion、slack、miro、Figmaなど)
  • CEOとの月一回の1on1でお互いに開発や事業に関する情報共有を行う場があります。

■ こんな方と一緒に働きたい!

  • Thingsのビジョン「モノのデータを民主化する」に共感いただける方
  • 不確実性の高い事業フェーズであっても明るく粘り強く挑戦できる方
  • コトに向かう志向が高い方

■ 募集概要


UI Designer

Mission: Democratizing Data on Physical Products

In the past, Japan's economy was driven by manufacturing. The Japanese-style organization, which was unified under a common goal, was considered a best practice, and its management techniques were adopted by foreign companies.
However, with the IT revolution came an increase in information and the high complexity of technology, making it difficult for humans to maintain a unified goal.
Our goal is to create products that store and organize data produced in the process of physical product development, allowing anyone to use it freely.
We aim to share the same view among everyone involved in physical product development, and strive for a world where superior products are created again through a unified goal.

Things' Goal and Recruitment Background

The systems of hardware manufacturers have siloed databases, and information related to product development is supplemented by a lot of manual input and meetings due to the absence of a Single Source of Truth (SSOT). This manual operation leads to input errors, which in turn leads to rework in development and production.
Things' PRISM enables centralized management of product development data, and provides a service that allows easy information exchange with different departments and suppliers, such as for design, procurement, and production.
As part of our business expansion, we are looking for a UI designer to prototype and design the user interface for product development in our company.

Job Description

We will participate in the development and operation of the product development platform "PRISM" and promote DX of manufacturing through software technology. The main job contents are as follows.
  • Prototyping for new PRISM functions
  • UI design for new PRISM functions
  • UI design for improving existing functions
  • Operating design system
  • Development and operation of various design guidelines
  • Collaborating with product managers and engineers and being involved in decision-making
  • User research
  • UX definition

Experience and Skills to be Acquired

  • Experience in the 0 -> 1 phase of organization or product development
  • Design of solutions to problems
    • There are many challenges that can be solved with software as hardware development involves various people and has its own unique workflow.
    • Pursue designs that aim not only at look and feel, but also at software validity and achievement of user stories.

Required Skills and Experience

  • UI design with figma in practical use

Preferred Skills and Experience

  • UI design and development experience in B2B services
  • Practical experience in user research
  • UI design experience with scrum
  • Experience in designing, implementing, and operating front-end components
  • React implementation experience
  • Experience in hardware development
  • Understanding and interest in product development
  • Practical experience in information design in large enterprises or organizations

Development Environment

  • Design tool: Figma
  • Communication tools: Slack, Notion

Design Style

  • Sprint is set to a one-week unit, and development is advanced while managing tasks on notion.
  • Design regular meetings where you can discuss directly with PMs and developers.
  • Everyone participates fully remotely. We provide a wealth of tools to support asynchronous communication (slack, notion, slack, miro, Figma, etc.).
  • There is a monthly 1-on-1 with the CEO to share information about development and business with each other.

Who we want to work with!

  • Those who sympathize with Things' vision of "Democratizing Data on Physical Products"
  • Those who can challenge themselves brightly and persistently even in uncertain business phases.
  • Those with a strong desire to pursue their goals.

Recruitment Overview

SalaryNegotiable (Stock options available)
Employment typeFull-time employee
LocationHead office or remote work
RemarksFull remote work possible
Things aims to be an organization that incorporates diverse values and can respond flexibly to changes in the management environment. We at Things are committed to not discriminating against people based on race, skin color, religion, gender, sexual identity, country of origin, age, disability, or family status during recruitment, and to ensuring that diverse personnel are accepted and utilized in the workplace, thus improving the performance of the entire organization.